
educational requireents

Institutions Must have a Policy for Hazing Prevention and awareness



Bystander Intervention

Ethical Leadership

Research-Informed Training Programs

what is a research-informed program?

A research-informed training program is a training initiative that is designed and developed based on evidence from academic research, best practices, and empirical data. These programs integrate proven theories, studies, and methodologies to ensure effectiveness and measurable outcomes.

Student working in research library
The students stairs. Shot of a group of young students enjoying a break outdoors on campus.
African senior male calculus professor is writing on whiteboard in the classroom
Smiling university professor in library

Campus-wide training

What does it mean to be campus-wide?

A campus-wide hazing prevention training program is a comprehensive, research-informed initiative designed to educate students, faculty, and staff about the risks, warning signs, and consequences of hazing while equipping them with the skills to prevent and intervene in hazing-related situations.


What topics should be included:

There is no absolutely correct list of topics that should be included in a program.  A comprehensive program is uniquely woven with best practices and delivery mechanisms.  However, the Stop Campus Hazing Act specifically calls out two topics for inclusion in the program.  Those topics are Bystander Intervention and Ethical Leaderships.  Areas for exploration within those topics are listed below.

Bystander Intervention

Ethical Leadership

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